Should I have posted this like two weeks ago, like on New Year's Eve? Yup. While I promised myself that I was going to make this blog stellar in 2017, I also have this three foot tall tiny two year old carbon copy of me running around my house (aka my daughter) and hey, life happens. But I got goals y'all! Here are the top five things I'd like to do with reading this year! What are yours? Comment below!
1) Read 52 books in 2017. That's a book a week!
2) Read at least 3 Non-Fiction or Biography titles.
3) Read at least 4 Science Fiction/Fantasy titles (this is part of me really pushing myself out of my YA Romance, New Adult, & Historical Fiction comfort zone).
4) Listen to at least 1 audio book. Again, this is a comfort zone thing. I'm old school guys. I love the feel of a book, you know?
5) Read at least 1 book that isn't Young Adult or New Adult. I am a young adult librarian, and I also curate our new adult collection (note: if you beg your director to add a special collection, be prepared to take it over!) and I stay on top of things in those genres, but I know there are some great adult and children's novels that I'm missing!